We’d love for you to join us for our midweek activities. These include home groups, women’s and men’s ministries and Connect. We also have activities for the children including Cedars Tots and Youth Club.
Home Groups
Our home groups provide a place where we can get to know and encourage others in the church family and where we can feel supported and cared for. Within these groups we aim to share our lives as we pray and study the Bible together. Our home groups work through a Bible study guide or video material each term and it usually links back to what we are looking at on a Sunday. We currently have home groups that meet on:
Tuesday evening
Wednesday evening
Thursday morning
Thursday afternoon
Thursday evening
To find out more please complete the connect with us form.
Women’s Ministries
If you want to try your hand at a range of activities, from countryside walks to Christmas card making, games evenings, go-karting, or trips further afield, then this is the group for you! We are a group of women who love to share friendship and fellowship together. At most meetings we will also have a short Bible study and time of prayer.
The women’s group meets bi-monthly and includes special events such as trips to the London and Cambridge Women’s conventions.
Men’s Ministries
Our men’s group meets on the second Saturday of each month for a prayer breakfast at Cedars Park Community Centre (Pintail Road Cedars Park, Stowmarket, IP14 5FP). We enjoy spending time together, sharing prayer needs and eating a delicious breakfast!
Connect is a group that meets at Cedars Park Community Centre (Pintail Road Cedars Park, Stowmarket, IP14 5FP) on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 2pm-3:30pm. It is a fun and relaxed time with board games, drinks and cakes. This group is open to all, so if you are free at that time then we would love for you to join us.
Cedars Tots
Cedars Tots is a parent and toddler group that meets at Cedars Park Community Centre (Pintail Road Cedars Park, Stowmarket, IP14 5FP) every Thursday from 10am-11:30am during the school term-time. It is a relaxed time in which refreshments are available and the children get the opportunity to play with a range of toys, do some crafts and enjoy singing some nursery rhymes.
If you have little ones then we would love for you to join us.
Youth Club
Cedars Church Youth Club meets on Friday evenings at Cedars Park Primary School. These groups are a great time of fun, noise and excitement! Each group is packed full of activities, crafts, sports and games to ensure everyone has an amazing time. We also love sharing stories from the Bible with these youngsters during the evening. There are two groups which are split into:
School years 3 & 4 6:15-7:15pm
School years 5 & 6 7:30- 8:30pm
Please note after the first time attending all children are required to bring a completed consent form.
For information on our Safeguarding policies, please click here.